My family call me ‘GG’ or ‘Glam Gran’ because I am a 55-year-old granny! The Glam bit is because at one time I had a glamorous life as a model. One of the highlights of my career was appearing in the titles of a James Bond Movie, ‘A View To A Kill’.
I moved from modelling into fitness and became the face of the Cosmopolitan Fitness Videos in the 90’s. I hung up my leotard after ten years in fitness, and retrained in the world of psychology and started practising Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypno-psychotherapy, ThoughtField Therapy, Spiritual Healing, Yoga and Coaching. Previously known as Gloria Thomas, I went on to write six books on mind-body wellness and spent a further 11 years in clinical practice at London’s premier integrative health centre in the heart of Soho: ‘The Third Space Medicine’. I was part of a team of highly qualified integrative health professionals offering holistic solutions for our clients’ health and wellbeing.

I have identified Vitality as the force within each one of us that offers us the potential to thrive in our daily existence, enabling us to experience perfect health for a happier life.
However, to come to this understanding, I went through a period of having low vitality levels as I transitioned through mid-life, in crisis. Life became a daily battle with multiple problems; both physically and psychologically. These issues were serious enough to have to take time out to heal and recover. On a psychological level, I faced the intensely emotional events of losing people I loved to illness and ultimately death; children leaving home; caring for the sick and elderly; moving house and finally moving country. Physically, I developed a complex set of health issues related to my genes and menopause such as my liver’s inability to detox, poor methylation pathways, an autoimmune condition and chronic hormonal imbalance. Metabolic madness took over my body depleting me of my energy and vitality.
I combined my previous experience in Contemporary Psychotheraphy, Yoga, Breathwork and General fitness with the expertise of significant others in the area of naturopathy and nutritional medicine. After some years my vigour and vitality returned. I could thrive again.
You do not realise the extent of what is missing until you have found it again!
I am thrilled to be in the next phase of my life. Not only do I have a fabulous son and beautiful daughter-in-law; I have become a grandmother to a beautiful little girl. Also after having embarked on my health journey, my genuine interest in wellness, human potential and longevity has led me to a place where I realise that, with my skills, I can now help others who also wish to thrive through offline and online yoga practice and therapeutic coaching. I can show you how to gain optimum vitality, how to sustain that precious energy and how to distribute it and thrive.
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